Grand Coteau, Louisiana
...that as a general rule a parish is to be territorial, that is, one which includes all the Christian faithful of a certain territory. Advantages of territorial boundaries are that they define pastoral jurisdiction and can unify the community. The very fact that a Catholic lives in the territory of a particular parish is enough to make him a member of that parish. If you reside outside the territory of St. Charles Parish, you may still register as a parishioner, in consideration of the following:
Any individual or family may select a parish other than that of the territory in which they presently reside for reasons of spiritual growth. Serious discernment should precede this decision.
It is the responsibility of the individual to demonstrate this decision by notification of his or her intentions to the pastor of the parish within whose territory the person resides.
It is important that personal contact is made with the pastor in the chosen parish for registration and for understanding what a change of parish involves.
Being active does not begin and end on what we do on Sunday morning. An “active” parishioner of St. Charles can be defined as: “One who is registered and actively participates in the liturgical and pastoral life of the parish through the generous, sacrificial and proportionate sharing of his or her God-given giftedness of time, talent and treasure.”
Certainly, the liturgical aspect of faith is central. But being an active Catholic means living our faith in the ordinary circumstances of life Monday through Saturday, by:
Regular participation in the sacramental life of the Church - preferably as a family
Developing & practicing a personal/family prayer life and witness to the gospel
Committing annually to a generous, sacrificial and proportionate commitment of one’s time, talent and treasure in service to the broad mission of the parish and the wider universal Church, which includes a record of Offertory contributions for 26 of 52 weeks of the year.
Please consider using the parish's online giving feature that can be accessed via this website under Donations and Payments tab.
Coming to the Church office and completing a registration form or by
It takes the time, talent, and treasure of all parishioners if St. Charles Parish hopes to be a vibrant community that ministers to the needs of its people. Please consider online giving of your monthly offertory contribution.