Grand Coteau, Louisiana
This program is based on the premise of giving instead of receiving. No matter the age, it benefits all those involved in a ministry of this type.
Children ages 5-12 are eligible to register and participate. This program is NOT a replacement for religious education classes, even though we touch on subjects related to their faith formation.
We accept children whose parents, grandparents, or guardians attend Christ the King or St. Charles Borromeo, but we will gladly accept any child regardless of their religious background.
The lead facilitator is Mrs. Amy Lowery. There are three, possibly four, adult assistants and two pre-teen assistants.
Registration will be held on Saturday, August 24th from 9 - 10 a.m. in St. Charles Chapel. There is no charge for this ministry.
Sessions will begin on Saturday, September 7, 2024, and end on May 3, 2025. We meet once a month from 9-11.
We ask that parents provide a snack at least once yearly.
Please contact Mrs. Amy Lowery at 337-308-6624 or for more details.